Making Money Experiment #1 – How To Turn 0 Dollars Into $100 Cash

Many who want to start a side hustle to add to their income don’t have the money to invest, that is why they need side hustles in the first place. My challenge to make a million dollars in 365 days or less is an enormous task to take on but you can’t succeed if you don’t try. Today is Day 43, so thankfully I still have a lot  more time as I certainly am not there yet (not even close).

So it’s time to do a few experiments to show how you can make money from nothing. That means you have to find something that hasn’t cost you anything to sell. Now how can you find free items, well you get someone to give them to you, whether from free stuff ads on kijiji (as they are always giving something away that you can turn into cash) or from someone you know that wants to get rid of some stuff either for free or you make a commission to sell it for them.

Now this is what I’m doing to turn zero dollars into a $100. I was going to look on kijiji to find free items to sell but luckily someone I know just bought a new LG G5 cell phone, and they want to get rid of their old one. When I mentioned I could sell it for them, they came up with some more items they wanted to get rid of:  alarm clock, digital camera, usb modem & safety glasses. (My lucky day that they wanted to get rid of some stuff). We have agreed that I would make a 60% commission (I’m a good negotiator!) for selling these items. The Nexus 5 phone is in great condition. I’m thinking just by pricing it on ebay what some have sold for and how bargain-hunting kijiji is, that I should be able to get $100 for it, but I will price it at $125 for negotiating room as on kijiji most of the time they try to bargain you down unless you’ve really priced it low enough to sell.

All these items with the cell phone, I am gathering will net me $200, and my commission would be $120, so I would have already reached the $100 plus a  little extra if sold for that price. Even if I go down in price, I still make the $100 as long as I don’t go lower than $167. Because this experiment is only to make $100 from nothing, so anything on top is gravy.

I will update this thread as each item is sold. Once I have made the $100, then will move on to making money experiment #2, turning $100 into $1000. It will get even better than this once I have reached the $1000 goal, because then will follow with making money experiment #3 turning $1,000 into $10,000. Once that goal is reached, making money experiment #4 will be turning $10,000 into $100,000, and when that is reached then making money experiment #5 will be turning $100,000 into $1,000,000 dollars. Then I’m done my making money experiments as will have reached my million dollar goal (and hopefully before the 365 days challenge is up!).

As I go along, I will go over what I am doing to make money so anyone following will have examples as to how they too can make money from nothing. And maybe you might want a blog as another way to make money. If you do, check out my easy tutorial on how to start a blog in minutes.

Who knows, starting a money making experiment on friday the 13th could be a way of chasing away bad luck and turning it into good fortune!

Okay I’ve placed the kijiji ads for these items. I will update this post when the items have been sold and I reached the $100 goal.

Update 1: After only one day I was able to sell the cell phone for $100 after relisting the ad and dropping the price to $120 from $125. I did get offer of $90 prior to relisting and was going to accept but that person did not reply in time to arrange pick up. I also got lowball offers of $40 and $70, which I ignored. So my commission is $60 and I’m $40 away from the $100 goal. I did get an inquiry on the digital camera but not yet on anything else from the items listed for this experiment. Always with kijiji you have to delete and relist ads on a daily basis so they stay fresh and not fall off the page. Also, my strategy is each time I relist the ads, I drop the price by $5 except on the glasses as I am only selling at $10, so only as a last resort will sell for $5 if need be.

Update 2: After two days, the digital camera sold for $30 after I relisted it twice. First was listed at $40, then dropped price twice ($35 & $30). The guy didn’t haggle the price and paid the listed price of $30, said it was a present for his daughter. So my commission on that is $18, bringing my updated profit to $78, with only $22 more needed to reach my $100 goal. The alarm clock, usb modem and safety glasses are left to get commission from once sold.

Update 3:  Four days later and a drop in price a few times, the USB modem sold for $15. So $9 commission from that brings my total to $87. Just need $13 from the last two items (safety glasses & alarm clock) and I will have my $100 goal to move on to the next moneymaking experiment.

Update 4: It took a little over a week but after dropping the price a few times, the alarm clock finally sold for $25. So the commisson from that sale is $15, which gives me a grand total of $102. Yay, I have passed the $100 goal! I gave up on the safety glasses, may as well give them for free since I have reached my goal, which means I can move on to Making Money Experiment #2 How To Turn $100 Into $1000.


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