Blogging My Way To A Million Dollars In 365 Days Or Less – I Can Do It!

Starting today, my goal is to earn one million dollars from this blog in 365 days or less.  How that is going to happen, I have no idea but I will have to (side) hustle that’s for sure. First, I will make a commitment to write a daily blog post, that will be 365 of them when the year is up. I will also make a commitment to increase my followers both on facebook and instagram, which right now are nothing to write home about. A year from now, I’m hoping to be a millionaire blogger!

You may be asking why I think I can do it when others, who have tried the same, either gave up before the time was up or failed miserably as the million dollars didn’t materialize. And those who are earning a million or more from their blog in a year, took more time than that to get there. Well I’ve been online long enough to know my way around, just have to implement some of the strategies those successful bloggers are using (okaay…sounds easy enough) plus find additional (shortcut) ones on my own that will speed up the process, which includes accepting donations (take that as a hint if you may), just to give that little added incentive and encouragement to get me there. And, by all means, if you feel I deserve a break for being so bold (or crazy), then certainly buying me a cup or ten of tea (I don’t drink coffee) would be worth it for providing some useful and entertaining content…I have a lot to say!

I tell you, my life sucks right now and I have to change it. Instead of struggling along, it’s time to step it up a notch and take some serious action. Easier said than done when you don’t know exactly what your action will be and all bright ideas are welcomed! Maybe we can help each other as I’m sure there are many out there facing some tough financial situations, looking for a light at the end of the dark tunnel. You can do it too (start a blog today)!

Why I Need To Do This

The main reason I need to do this is to change my living situation as my cat and I need our own place. It’s just too stressful and miserable the way it is, affecting my well-being. Got to break loose from this prison! The goal is to have a large enough down payment to buy my own house, as we need something permanent. In my area, cost of living is high so have to be well-prepared to take that step. I’m just thinking a small house where the backyard is facing south with large windows, so I can have a bench or a cat tree where my cat can enjoy basking in the sun all day long, which she loves to do.

My other goal is I want to write my cat’s story and get it published, as she has an endearing survival and bravery story that I need to share to give hope to other pet owners who have lost a pet and to help those innocent ones that are abandoned on the streets or in shelters.  If I didn’t have to worry about money and was settled nicely in my own place, then I could concentrate on that.

Here’s How I’m Going To Make Money

There are many ways a blog can earn money but you need a lot of daily visitors. Ideally the goal is to get traffic from social media and google which, by doing a lot of promoting and daily writing, will help in this area (I hope). Some of the ways to earn money is through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, selling your own product (or making the news!) and so on. I just need to make my blog popular and have some posts go viral. Maybe this one?

I have to think of some ingenious ways to earn money from this blog and don’t limit myself to the regular ways that could take too long, as the time clock is ticking. If I need to use gimmicks to make it happen, so be it.

For starters, I’m going to work on driving some traffic to my blog from my social media accounts. Many successful bloggers are using Pinterest to drive traffic to their blogs but it looks to me like a lot more time and work than I am ready to take on at the moment. And from what I read, it takes a long time to build up any traction from there. Since I just recently opened a pinterest account, I will pin images linking to my blog posts but it won’t be on my priority list as needs time to set it up and get it going. Time I can use elsewhere.

Mainly, I will focus on facebook and instagram by cross-promoting between the two. There are some earning a significant amount of money on instagram alone just by posting pics daily (that will be explored in one of my 365 blog posts). In order for that to happen, I have to keep posting pics regularly on my instagram (which I admit have been bad at) to boost my followers there so I can get them to my blog and facebook.

I also thought about posting on Reddit because if something goes viral there can be huge. But even though I’ve had an account there for years, I haven’t used it much as cannot barely even get my karma increased no matter what I post or comment. More than likely I would get ridiculed, as those redditors are good at doing that, and don’t need negativity in my journey to the million dollar goal. It’s probably great for posting a cute cat pic (maybe I might try that) as look what it did for Nala cat. Her pic went viral and she now has over 3 million followers on instagram. Definitely her owner is making the big bucks and can pretty well call her the million dollar cat!

I forgot I have a twitter too but not sure if that one will have any benefit but at least I could tweet my blog posts. I see instagram as having the most potential to make money from, while the others mainly to draw traffic to my blog. It’s starting to look like a lot of work but if I can hit that million dollar payday it will all be worth it!

I have a youtube account too and if the light bulb could come on for a video that has potential to go viral, I could easily reach my goal sooner. Psy’s gangnam style video with over a billion views made him an instant millionaire just from that one video alone!

Work Hard vs Work Smart – I Got To Have The Right Approach

Although I will put work into this, I want to implement more of a work smart than hard approach. Because you could work hard all day long and get nowhere. My plan is to generate a passive income from various online sources so is diversified and can grow automatically over time. The whole idea of a dot com lifestyle (according to John Chow) is to have both time freedom and money freedom, and that won’t be if I have no time or money to do or enjoy anything!

I will update along the way how I am doing. I’m not expecting the first month or two to be anything significant but this isn’t about that I have to earn a specific amount each month to get to the million dollar goal, as could even reach that in the last 3 months (dream on). Just the final end result when the year is over (or before if I’ve luckily hit my goal) is that I have achieved from this blog one million dollars in income.

Please root for me as I’m going to need it. On your mark, get set, GO!

Start date September 1, 2017  End date: August 31, 2018

Update: Click Here to check out the results of my million dollar challenge

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