Sometimes You Wish Someone Cared – Does Anyone?

You would think doing a good deed should be a reward in itself, in that you’ve done something good to help someone else. But sometimes you don’t feel good in the way you have been treated, taken advantage of and not considered, that is where it turns into “no good deed goes unpunished”. I’ve done so many good deeds for family, friends and strangers, which I don’t regret, but it has been backfiring for awhile now, feeling I’m being punished. And it sure seems like is a ghost town when it’s your time of need!

When you look around the world, there is so much conflict and not enough caring. It really is sad that we all can’t just live in peace by respecting and helping one another. Where is the love?

Maybe it’s due to a breakdown in some family situations where children get affected by the conditions they are raised in, growing up angry at the world.

In my own family situation, I sacrificed and risked my life in order to save 2 kids’ lives, which I’m glad I did as would have wanted the same if I were in their shoes. I can only imagine where they would have been today, or have turned into, if they weren’t pulled out of an abusive alcoholic home.

I also saved 2 animals’ lives as well from this same household, by going there daily and taking care of them for many years, just out of the goodness of my heart. Both came close to dying and unfortunately one, a sweet bunny, eventually did due to neglect on the part of the owner who did not check on her the night before or into the late morning, the next day, before leaving the house. I miss her and feel guilt that I couldn’t have saved her that final time by arriving earlier that day so I could have seen she was in distress, and rushed her to the animal hospital, as was already dead by the time I got there. And the other one, a cat, is now living with me since I took over ownership of her many years ago after she was lost for a few months and found very seriously injured. She has a very touching story of survival, and bravery, that I would like to share one day in a book when I can afford to get it published. A loyal companion who is dearly loved!

I think what I did for both these kids and animals was way beyond good deeds and more than should be expected of, even from family. In return, instead of a little gratitude, I get backstabbed and turned against. I ask again, where is the love?

If you believe good deeds should get rewarded and would like to dispel the myth that “no good deed goes unpunished”, then please donate a small amount to me. Not only will it put a stop to the punishment, it will uplift me because I am being rewarded for a change and encourage me to continue to do good deeds to help those in need. Besides that, I have a very sweet but needy cat to support (and a blog to maintain)!

And speaking of my cat, there are 2 good samaritans out there that need to be rewarded too. My kitty’s life was saved when they found her severely injured and dropped her off at a nearby animal hospital. The vet said she would have died if they hadn’t brought her in the nick of time, that’s how close it was. I wanted to personally thank them but I didn’t know who they were as they anonymously dropped her off, didn’t give their names. They deserve a reward for their good deed!

In all honesty, I wish this SOS can speak a thousand words to get 1000 people to become more giving. It’s not the amount you give, it’s just that you give.

If you can’t donate, please do a good deed for someone. The more we spread kindness around, the better we all will be for it.


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