Should You Dress For Financial Success?

Dressing for financial success doesn’t necessarily mean to wear designer clothes and expensive jewelry, especially when you don’t have the money to do so. What I am really referring to is whether a person should act the part they want to play. Like if you want to be a millionaire act like you have a million bucks already.

We can make our appearance look good no matter what budget we have, but giving that air of money is not as easy to do when you have no money to air. It’s more about being confident in ourselves that we can achieve our financial goals, which starts from the moment we start our day.

As I sit at my laptop in my sweat pants and t-shirt, I am hardly in the attire that conveys financial success but I don’t have to be in my line of work. Whatever I wear doesn’t matter when I am using my computer to make money online as no one sees me other than my cat (as fussy as she may be about her own appearance). I dress the part by putting my mental cap on feeling assured that I can achieve financial success.

I see people who have the big house, latest model car, expensive clothes and all but mainly it’s debt they have created in getting them and are way over they heads.  They may look the part but  really they aren’t financially successful as it could all crumble in a minute.

To have financial success you need to eliminate debt and save money. You have to spend less than you earn. If you spend like it’s going out of style it definitely will. Look the part in the way that you can sleep comfortably at night without worrying about money and creditors chasing after you.

Sure I like to keep my appearance neat but I don’t go buy expensive clothes whether I can afford to or not. I look for bargains and am delighted when I get a good deal.  If I had a business meeting or I needed to be presentable for some event, I can do that but not at a high price. Since I mainly work online, my budget for clothing is a lot smaller than say a person who has to meet with people all the time.

Yes you can dress for financial success but it doesn’t need to be on a rich man’s budget. If wearing a certain type of outfit can get you in the frame of mind to achieve your financial goals then I say go for it. Myself I mentally dress to financially achieve which automatically gives me confidence in my appearance no matter what I wear.


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