It’s Not All About The Money Or Is It?

I find it amusing that how easily people judge one another, especially family members, because one person doesn’t do things in the conventional way of having say a 9 to 5 job to physically commute to daily, not even taking into account if it’s a dead end job that barely can live off of or grudgingly have to get yourself out of bed in the morning to go to. Oh no, working from home or the park (yes some dot-com lifestylers do) doesn’t cut it as counting as a real job.

Believe me I have made more money and had more fun dabbling in other ventures than some 9-to-5-I-hate-job just to scrape a living by. Real estate is a perfect example, as many millionaires and even billionaires have been made from it, look at Trump.

I, too, in the past have made money in real estate by flipping a few houses. It is the fastest way to earn a sizeable chunk of money in a shorter period of time. It’s all about timing when buying and selling so you do have to pay attention to the market. But nothing beats when you’ve bought a good deal and sold it for a nice tidy profit.

I’ve also done well online during ebay’s heyday which helped me to get a down payment for a house that I quickly flipped for a $25,000 profit.

So I will stick to what works for me. Rather use a smart approach to getting ahead than slave at a job working for peanuts for that business to get richer and not me.

And yes whether we admit it or not, it is all about the money. It is needed for survival and we are defined by how much money we have or don’t have. Money gets you out of the worst of conditions to a more quality life and gives you freedom to make choices. Those who say that having a lot of money brings misery, haven’t been miserable broke.

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