Is A Self-Saboteur Causing Your Money Problems?

It’s in human nature to put blame on something external when things go wrong. When it comes to a financial crisis, we can blame it on the economy or even creditors as excuses for it.  Of course there are events that can occur we have no control over, like job loss or health issues, that can also put us in a bad financial situation.

If you are deep in debt, or just can’t make ends meet, and seem to be going in circles trying to get out of the “no money” trap, then you do have to ask yourself if a self-saboteur is causing your money problems. That inner self who kicks your self-confidence and is preventing you from rising above your financial difficulties by keeping you in chaos. If so, then it is time to stand up to the bully and get your life back in control.

That would mean:

  • valuing money and not spending unnecessarily on things you really don’t need
  • tightening your finances by creating a budget and sticking to it
  • living within your means and not using credit as a solution
  • not putting yourself in a situation that keeps you in financial crisis month after month
  • reading financial planning guides to help you manage your finances better and save money

If you don’t take the steps to make the necessary changes to improve your financial situation and continue to sabotage it from happening, then you are going to be a long-term member of the self-saboteur club.


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