Impatience Gets You Nowhere In Life Or For Money – Isn’t That The Truth

I was reading in the newspaper of a horrific car crash on the highway that killed 7 people. An impatient driver crossed the solid line on the two-lane highway to pass the car in front only to drive into a head on collision with another vehicle that was traveling in the opposite direction in the other lane.

I see this all the time in the city, how impatient drivers are and they really don’t get anywhere any faster and are a risk to other drivers on the road. But on a highway, impatience and speed is a deadly combination. Not only did this driver kill himself and the other 2 people in his vehicle but also the 5 people in the other car he hit. Somehow this should be a lesson and a wakeup call but it never is as more impatient people get on the road and drive.

Whether you want to get out of debt, get rich or get anywhere for that matter, impatience will get you nowhere. So believe it when I say there is not going to be an overnight solution for money problems. Either you have to generate more money, reduce expenses or a combination of both to solve financial difficulties.

I quite often hear from people who are desperate for financial help and, understandably so, are impatient to get out of their situation. They look for a quick solution but really there is none. If it took time to get into a bad financial situation, it will take time to get out of it too. I would suggest instead of dwelling on where you are but look toward where you want to be and get into action. Why waste time and energy looking for instant fruitless solutions when that time could be put to productive use.

I have found the main reason the rich get richer and the poor stay poor, is basically the mindset. The rich tend to invest their money in assets for future growth whereas the poor tend to spend their money on liabilities, which are things that will require more money to maintain them. The fact is the rich are producing more income than they are spending while the poor are spending more than the income they are producing. Changing your way of thinking will improve your situation no matter what it is.

Every person can have the same chance as anyone to gain wealth. You just have to be patient in achieving your financial goals.

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