Homeless Ian Could Use A Little Help Up

As I was going grocery shopping, I saw the same homeless man sitting outside a nearby store. This is the third time I have run into him, actually fourth but I was only driving by that day so didn’t stop to talk to him.

I said hello to him and asked if he remembered me, and he said he did. I asked how he was and he said his spirits are up as he gestured his hand to his heart. This is the one thing about this man that drew my attention to him in the first place, he has dire circumstances but he is pleasantly talks on the bright side.2016-07-17-11-02-50

The one thing I also noticed is when he sits in front of stores, he doesn’t beg anyone, is just quiet and polite. Of course, while I was standing there everyone who passed by just ignored him like he was just a statue sitting there. It was hot outside and he looked like he could use a cold drink plus a shower too from all the sweating from the heat.

He said his name is Ian, as he shook my hand, and he has been homeless for 5 years. I can’t even imagine being homeless for a week let alone 5 years! I asked how his situation is and he said that a center, which helps the homeless, has found him a place to live and he would be moving in Aug 11th. That was good news to hear but he still has to survive on the streets until then plus will take him time to get back on his feet even with a place.


Ian said that he stays in the park, goes to the library and hangs around the stores in the area, just as I found him. He then said he wasn’t thinking clearly, as was hungry, and I said I would get him some food from the grocery store nearby. He did have a little trouble with his hearing so some questions I asked him he didn’t hear well and I couldn’t get an answer for them as wanted to know if he goes to the shelters or drop by centers to sleep or get a meal.

I know there is a van from one of the centers that drives around to give the homeless water and some other items, checking on them. He just seems isolated as never see him with anyone and if he sleeps in the park, then must not be going to shelters as they are mostly based in the downtown area which he isn’t in as the area he is around, he said he has lived in for 30 years.

Then an employee from the store he was sitting in front of came out and said he had to leave as can’t be loitering around. Ian didn’t understand what he was saying as wasn’t hearing him properly so the guy had to repeat a few times. He definitely needs to see a doctor for his hearing and a dentist too for his teeth as some missing and has chewing problems with some foods.

I suggested to Ian to go near the grocery store and I would get him some food. Outside the grocery store they were having a barbecue for some cause, After I went in the store and bought my items, plus fruit for Ian, then I got him a couple hot dogs and a pop from the bbq stand. He was very hungry as he quickly gobbled up the meal and couldn’t thank me enough. It cost me $3.48 for his 2 hot dogs, pop & fruit, money well worth spending because I know at least he got a meal in his stomach.

Ian does have a long road ahead because although getting a place is an important step for the homeless to get grounded but he needs to get back on his feet too. Even though I have never found him to be drunk or anything, always talking clearly, but it is possible he may have an alcohol addiction which makes it a vicious cycle. But he gave a genuine impression that he wants to improve his situation.

When we see a homeless person, maybe it is easy for us to say that they caused their own problem and look the other way, but we don’t know the full circumstances of their situation, until we have walked in their shoes, and facing homelessness for sure is very difficult at any level. Compassion is what we need to show because we have to imagine what if we were in that situation, wouldn’t we want someone to give us a helping hand and some words of encouragement. Of course it doesn’t mean give the person money because you don’t know if they are using it to buy liquor or other wrong reasons, but at least a bottle of water or some food or other items they could use would definitely would help, even just to bolster their spirits that someone out there does care.

I took Ian’s picture, with his permission, to use it to bring attention to his plight because I would like to try to help him, and told him that I would. He was just so grateful that I even showed any concern.

Giving someone encouragement when they are down on their luck may help them to move in a more positive direction. It doesn’t cost you anything and a gift that pay it forward.

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