Day Sixteen Of 30 Day Qriket Challenge Making Money Time Is Ticking

It’s day 16 of this 30 day qriket challenge to make money and I really thought by now it should be more than it is. It’s probably due to the strategy I’m using which is counting strictly on free spins which are paying very little, free spin codes which so far have gotten none that worked and referrals are very slowly trickling in, as that part requires promotion which I started late and haven’t done enough of. Other users are reinvesting their credits to buy more spins and challenge opponents, but this even though may be making them money quicker, it’s not a strategy for guaranteed income from this app.

Today though was a lousy day as only had 7 spins from ads viewed and no referrals. I don’t want to spend extra time on the game itself, because as in all games you either win or lose. If you win, you are happy ad if you lose, unhappy. I don’t like losing! Certainly to spend a few minutes a day to pass a little boredom is fun but spending more time isn’t going to guarantee you more money if that is the aspect you are looking for, which I am. My focus remains to earn from the guaranteed ways, for this challenge, which is free spins, free spin codes and referrals.

If you are game to have some fun and earn a little money on top, download this free qriket app from google play or app store. Sign up with my referral code 322B50 to start earning with your 25 bonus spins. I get a dollar which helps to boost my challenge!

Okay day sixteen here we go…happy spinning!

Day sisteen results: Today there was only 7 spins for ads viewed, which has been the lowest, out of which I only one 3 at .05 each for a total of .15 and no referrals bringing the balance to $7.70. Worst day so far!

(Sorry screenshot is missing..thought I took one…zzz)

As you can see I need some help, so please download the free qriket app from google play or app store using the referral code 322B50 on signup so you get 25 bonus spins and I get a dollar!

Day seventeen is next…Click Here

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