Bah Humbug! 3 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Christmas

A few years back I stopped celebrating Christmas. You may wonder why I would not want to be part of all the holiday cheer (madness) with all the gift-giving, spending quality (?) time with family and so on. It’s certainly not because of religion as I only believe in one god, whatever name you want to call this creator is the same to me, so I never celebrated it for that reason. It was moreso for the reasons of family time, sharing a feast, exchanging gifts and being grateful for all that I have. Billions celebrate Christmas around the world and many are not even of the same faith, so certainly the religious aspect isn’t the relevant part of it anymore.

It just became more stressful for me and I didn’t like that “the kids” were just seeing it as a time to be selfish, getting more unnecessary things that they don’t need. Somehow I don’t think that is the right way to teach kids to be greedy for more (as never will be enough!) and not appreciate what they already have. And most importantly to value their family, as each member one day won’t be with us, plus to have empathy for those that are suffering around the world that don’t have enough to eat, a roof over their head or feel safe because of war or other harsh situations they face.

The last straw came when my two nieces were getting angry and squabbling on Christmas, only caring about their own gifts and how quickly they can get them opened and be done with it.

It was enough for me to realize that Christmas isn’t what it’s cut out to be and time to just cut it out altogether!
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The 3 main reasons why I don’t celebrate Christmas:

Christmas is commercialized. Is a time where large amounts of money is being spent (wasted) on gifts, decorations and excess food. It’s a big business that makes a lot of money or costs a lot of money, depending on which side of the spectrum you are on. You feel obligated to participate even if you don’t feel like it or cannot afford it. It puts many in debt, or even further into debt, which becomes a heavy burden on your shoulders once all the Christmas cheer is over and the bills start pouring in. I’m already trying to solve my money issues and don’t need more on top!

Family can be a pain in the neck. The meaning of Christmas is lost when is surrounded by selfishness and greediness. That is something my family has shown (and see it constantly around too). The last straw came when two overspoiled kids have taken for granted what they already have and think they are entitled to more on top, no matter how badly they behave. Kids are taught wrong and, frankly, many adults too since they are the ones teaching the kids. What happened to Sunday dinners for quality family time, why need it to be only Christmas as the day for all that?

Causes unnecessary stress. If you want a stress-free life, like me, you would not include Christmas in it. It brings a lot of stress not only to me but others too. The overload of impatient drivers on the road and hurried shoppers in stores, leading up to Christmas, makes for a stress-filled holiday season. If you are alone, you are left out. If you don’t have money, you are left out. If you complain, you are left out. Money stress, family stress, in a hurry stress…stress, stress, stress. Who needs that? Not me.

You may be wondering what I do at Christmas when everyone around is celebrating it. I spend quality time with my cat. She doesn’t care is Christmas either. I go on my day as any other, except I don’t have any family around which makes it a more peaceful environment. One day out of the year to be alone is fine by me!

Bah humbug to me for not having the Christmas spirit!

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