A Homeless Man’s Begging Can’t Break The Homelessness Cycle

A few weeks ago, I saw a homeless man sitting outside of a grocery store. He didn’t say anything to anyone, other than smile, unless was approached. Although his appearance was scraggly and could use a bath, he had a sparkle to him and seemed a pleasant enough guy. So while shopping, I picked a few items for him which included a small cake.

When I came back outside, there was someone talking to him. Then I gave him a bag of a few groceries and he lit up like a christmas tree, was genuinely thanking me and said today was his birthday and he turned 55. It just so happened a little cake was inside the bag, not knowing ahead it would be for his birthday.

Yesterday, as I was driving through  a parking lot where there was some stores including a liquor store, I saw him again and he was sitting outside of it not saying anything to anyone. It was a hot day and he looked dirty, was sweating. I was really hoping that he was just down and out on his luck and he had found a solution for his predicament. But him sitting outside a liquor store gave me the impression of an alcohol addiction, which is unfortunate because many homeless do suffer from addiction which makes it a difficult cycle to get out of homelessness. I really hoped that no one gave him a beer or any other liquor, just like I had given him groceries outside of a grocery store. The two do not compare as the one helps while the other one only makes things worse.

Prior to the grocery store episode, I did see him a week before that as had given him $2. I won’t do that again because you don’t know what exactly their situation is and it’s not helping them if you are fueling their addiction.

Sitting around begging for money is a way the homeless can avoid getting out of their situation because many do feel sorry and give them money but it’s not helping them. Instead some necessities are a better idea to give and just encouragement so they move in a better direction.

In my city, they are working towards getting rid of homelessness. There are options for them to get help but some choose not to or are suffering from mental illness making it difficult for them to do so.

Next time I run into that homeless guy, I will do the same by giving him some food & water but no money. Maybe I will also take a few minutes out of my day to ask him about his situation and encourage him. Showing care can make a difference in anyone’s life.

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