I Went To Get Cat Food In A Blizzard And Survived!

Okay you may think this was crazy but awhile back my cat was out of her dry food. I had planned the next day to go to the nearest grocery store to get it but the day turned out where temperatures dropped to a bone chilling -25, with the wind chill even lower as was blowing snow around as it snowed. Now if I only had to go to the nearest store, some blocks away, wouldn’t have been bad. Instead, I had to go to the other side of town on the outskirts of the city limits because the usual store no longer carried that brand and the one that did, you guessed it was past the city limits.


Of course I was low on gas too, but did have the sense to to fill up gas along the way. And on top of that my heater in my car was flickering off and on, so it wasn’t exactly warming up in the car either as my feet and hands were getting cold even with boots and gloves on. I prayed that I would make it there and back without the car breaking down and finding me frozen in some isolated area.

I mean my car has stalled before and this was not the time for it to do so. And with the blowing snow made it hard to see the road in front of you. As I reached towards the outskirts, the wind against the car was shaking it. God please wind don’t run me off the road!

So I just slowed down till I finally got there and thankfully I did, what a relief!

It was so cold and windy I was freezing just walking through the parking lot, down two strenuous flights of stairs before entering the doors to the warmth of the store. By that time I was so exhausted, I thought I was going to collapse!

My luck they were the only store in the city that had that particular brand and, of course, only one bag so had it held for pickup. Believe me I asked if they deliver, but no such luck!

Sure is a crime that my pampered cat was out of food so could not delay by ordering it online or something!

If the weatherman didn’t know a blizzard was going to happen that very day, how would I know? What you do for your pets!

That sure was a scary experience and don’t advise anyone to venture out in a snow storm for cat food or anything else for that matter!


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