Setting These 3 Goals Can Get You To A Financially Free Life

My ultimate goal is to reach financial freedom. It`s not so much that money can buy me happiness but it for sure will give me the freedom to do the things I want to do and not just what I have to do. The lack of money sure can make you unhappy and stressed if you are always worried not having enough to pay your bills and buy necessities, living paycheck to paycheck. I just don`t want the worry of money preventing me from enjoying the life I want to live.

Goals, Goals, Goals

I thought about how many goals I could set that can get me to where I want to be. The list could get pretty long and then I wouldn`t have time to focus on all the things I would need to do to achieve them all. According to Warren Buffet, the best way to accomplish your goals is if you make a list of 25 goals and then only circle the five that are the most important to you. You then only focus your time on achieving those 5 goals and forget about the rest. The man has been running a very successful investment business for decades (is worth over $70 billion) so I think he knows what he is talking about.

Well I`ve used an approach to narrow it down to 3 goals. Although they are broad, but I think they are the most important ones and universal for everyone to achieve, not only me.

Organize My Life – I don`t know about you but I think I really need to organize my life. Keeping my priorities in check and focusing on them. That means having a daily schedule and following it, not being all over the place in what I need to regularly do. If you spin around in circles then there won`t be enough hours in the day to get things done. That means going to bed around the same time (waking up the same time too) and creating a schedule to follow. It definitely will manage time better to become productive. And getting rid of clutter can help free the mind in that way. Even I look at my desk it has some clutter, time to clean it up! I also have a lot of extra stuff hanging around that I really don`t need and time to sell those things on Kijiji. Most people have too much unnecessary stuff which keeps prevents them from being organized. These are types of things that get in the way of focusing so by organizing the things in your life, you can clear the way.

Waste Less Time – Wasting less time on things (and people too) that don`t accomplish you anything. That could be watching tv (the networks make a ton of money on the commercials you are watching) or hanging around facebook to mingle with friends (remember how much money facebook is making in their sleep while you are mingling). In my case, while I was writing this post, my friend who I haven`t heard from in awhile, texted me and I ended up spending a good hour and a half texting back and forth with her. That was fine and all, having a good conversation with a few laughs, but it delayed my post to be completed and published that day! Sure you have to have leisure time to do leisure things, but not while you are trying to be productive. It`s all about managing time so you can get the best use of it to accomplish the things you need to and not waste the time on things that are interfering in that from happening.

Achieve Financial Freedom – I think once the other two goals are managed, then it will get much easier to reach the goal of financial freedom because now you are more focused and have more time to concentrate on this area by taking on some side hustles. And you can do it from the convenience of your home with a computer and internet connection, as there are many online opportunities that can earn you extra income. If you have debt, then you have to work on eliminating it because you will never achieve financial freedom staying deep in debt. That means cutting back on things, budgeting and adding to your income to pay it down. And if you are barely making ends meet, then you definitely have to add to your income as the goal is to be making more money than you need. Even if you are making plenty of money but never have a dime left at the end of every month, that means you are living over your means and need to tighten the money belt. If you work towards living under your means, it will create a buffer for savings and investment purposes. By managing your money better and more wisely, is the crucial step to financial freedom.

Focus,  Manage Time, Make Money, Enjoy Life

I`m focusing my time a lot more now on my blog and online income, as that is what I believe will get me to my financial freedom goal. A blog can help you to create a passive income, that pays you even if you are not actively trying to earn at the time. Who wouldn`t like to be earning while they are sleeping or relaxing on a beach.

Many bloggers are successfully earning a substantial amount just from their blogs alone. They are living the dot com lifestyle, which doesn`t necessarily mean to live a luxurious life with fancy cars, mansions and exotic trips (though can too!), as one millionaire blogger (making $100,000+ per month) is traveling around in an RV as her home. What it gives is the time freedom and money freedom to live the life you want without having to worry about money or not having the time to do things you really want to do.

If you have been thinking about making money online, now is the time to take the step as a lot of opportunities are out there . Is very easy to start up a blog and only costs a few dollars a month to get it self-hosted. CLICK HERE for my easy tutorial and get your blog started today!


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