How To Sell A Million Ebooks Through Amazon Kindle Like John Locke

Amazon had announced that John Locke was the first independent author to have sold more than a million ebooks through their Kindle Direct Publishing program. And he did this in a short time span of only 5 months. He also holds a guinness world record for the amount of ebooks he has sold.

The great thing about the Kindle Direct Publishing program is it removes the traditional route of publishers and agents, and is free and easy to use. Kindle Direct Publshing authors can set their own prices and sell their ebooks through the Amazon Kindle Store. The royalty rate is 70% for ebooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99, which is higher than traditional publishers. Although this royalty rate drops in half to 35% if ebooks are priced outside of this range.

John Locke was new to self-publishing but he picked up on the business model fast and one of the reasons for his success is based on that he prices all his ebook novels at 99 cents. Although the royalty is less, it’s still a hefty sum of $346,500 on a million books sold without the hassle of going through a traditional publishing route.

If you want to know how John Locke was able to sell more than a million ebooks part-time without using a publicist, agent nor any marketing expenses, you can find out in his  ebook – How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months! It’s priced at $2.99, which is higher than his usual price of 99 cents, but is worth picking up to learn his direct marketing system.

That’s a bright idea for me as I want to write my kitty’s survival story and get it self-published. I think I will try John Locke’s system to get it directly published through the kindle program. Amazon has a huge marketplace for ebook sellers to take advantage of.



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