10 Powerful Health Benefits Of Ceylon Tea

Who would have thought tea would have health benefits but it does. I am a tea drinker, drink two cups a day. Never did like coffee as prefer to drink something mellow and smooth, than strong and bitter. But I don’t just drink any tea off the shelf, only ceylon tea. It is the best tea in the world, and I wouldn’t drink any other. After you have tasted pure ceylon tea, I don’t think you would either.

Ceylon tea comes from the island of Sri Lanka, which used to be known as Ceylon before the name change in 1972. It was a british colonial name that was changed when it became a republic within the commonwealth after gaining independence from Britain in 1948.

Although the Sri Lanka government has been changing any references to Ceylon to Sri Lanka but it hasn’t for Ceylon tea. It’s a well known brand of tea so wouldn’t make sense to plus Ceylon sounds smooth and relaxing (like a hot cup of tea), so I doubt it would have the same effect if was called Sri Lanka tea.

Ceylon tea is the most unique tea in the world, as Sri Lanka is an ideal place for tea plantations as has rich soils with mountainous regions that have their own micro-climates. With the excellent terrain and temperature to grow tea, no wonder it produces some of the best tasting teas in the world especially ones grown in the higher altitude.

Ceylon tea comes in 3 varieties, black, green and white. Black tea is the most common and has a mild flavor. Green tea has the highest level of antioxidants and has a more pungent flavor. White tea is the most expensive and rarest, having a sweeter flavor.

I particularly like one brand of Ceylon tea, which is Dilmah (it can be found at a few stores or even can order dilmah tea from Amazon delivered to your home). Not only do I like it for the great tasting tea it is, but for what the family tea company represents as states in its motto “business is a matter of human service”.  By staying true to it’s core belief, the Dilmah Tea Company, over decades, has championed for quality, authenticity and variety in tea. It has gone against industry standards by pioneering the concept of single origin tea in 1988. The tea is unblended, garden fresh and packed at source, which is the hallmark stamp of Dilmah. Being an ethical tea company, all packaging profits are retained in Sri Lanka which funds the the MJF Charitable Foundation and Dilmah Conservation.

It’s Ceylon tea’s high polyphenolic content that provide all these health benefits:

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Boosting The Immune System – the antioxidants in ceylon tea reduces oxidative stress and presence of free radicals in the body, giving the immune system a boost in fighting off illness. So it can help to keep the flu at bay.

Weight Loss Aid – ceylon tea stimulates metabolism which helps for losing weight. Your body naturally burns fat when metabolism speeds up. A morning boost of ceylon tea to your metabolism, gives you more energy for activities that aid in calorie burning.

Preventing Cancer and Other Chronic Illness – due to ceylon tea’s antioxidant range, specifically the theaflavins and thearubigins it contains, is powerful in aiding human health in counteracting the spread of cancer and prevent oxidative stress and cellular mutation. Ceylon tea can boost your immune system, which is a great defense against chronic diseases.

Regulating Diabetes – for those who suffer from diabtetes, ceylon tea can aid in reducing blood glucose levels.  In regulating insulin and glucose levels, can prevent the spiking and dropping of those levels in the body which can be dangerous for anyone struggling with diabetess.

Eliminating Kidney Stones – there has been research that show decreased kidney stones with the consumption of black ceylon tea. This is believed due to the antioxidants and caffeine content present in ceylon tea.

Increasing Energy and Mental Alertness –  the caffeine content in ceylon tea, boosts your cognitive acuity and attention. It increases your energy levels, improves mental alertness, memory, learning and information & processing skills.

Protecting The Heart – ceylon tea has potassium which is good for heart health. By relaxing the tension in arteries and blood vessels, your blood pressure decreases to healthy normal levels which reduces strain on the heart. That also means will lower your cholesterols as well. Start your day with a cup of ceylon tea and a potassium-rich fruit like a banana, will provide benefits to your long-term health.

Improving Skin Appearance – specific antioxidants in ceylon tea prevent oxidative stress which reduces the skin’s collagen loss. Collagen is needed for skin elasticity as it keeps the skin taut in preventing wrinkles and having a blemish-free healthier skin.

Prevents Cavities and Tooth Decay – the polyphenols in the black tea suppress cavity-causing bacteria to grow or produce acid. It also combats bacteria linked to tooth decay.

Stress Reliever – tea can work as a stress reliever since the caffeine content is more balanced which makes it also a great relaxation beverage. Research has shown that stress hormones like cortisol are brought down from drinking black tea, so helps in the recovery of common daily stressors in life for black tea drinkers.

You don’t need more than a couple cups of ceylon tea a day to get the health benefits of it. I myself drink it once in the morning and once after dinner, for a total of 2 cups per day. I also drink it black, only add organic honey to sweeten it. The side effects of the black tea are more likely to occur if you are consuming many cups in a day or are sensitive to caffeine.

Since ceylon black tea reduces absorption of iron, consume less if you are iron-deficient. Also, due to the caffeine it contains, the calcium and magnesium are prevented to be stored in the body. By boiling it for a shorter time period, means less caffeine. A couple minutes gets a third of the caffeine, whereas 3 to 5 minutes gets 70% to 80% of the caffeine. I don’t drink my tea strong, as boil it for 2 to 3 minutes.

Go ahead and enjoy a cup of ceylon tea, while you reap the health benefits from it!


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